Zinduathon 1.0

Building agri-tech software, IOT, and data solutions.

Nairobi, Kenya | 7-18th November, 2023

Presented by:

The Hackathon Challenge

Participants can choose from 4 challenge areas focused on agri-tech.

We invite participants to devise creative solutions that harness technology and coding to tackle the issues faced by farmers in arid and semi-arid lands. This may involve designing efficient irrigation systems, weather prediction tools, soil health monitoring, or any other technology-driven approach that enhances agricultural practices in these demanding environments.

We invite participants to create innovative solutions for detecting and managing crop diseases specifically designed for arid and semi-arid regions in Kenya. Your solutions should leverage technology, including machine learning, image recognition, and data analytics, to provide early warnings of potential crop diseases. These solutions should be tailored to the unique agricultural conditions and crops found in these regions, enabling farmers to take preventive measures to protect their livelihoods.

In this challenge, participants are tasked with creating solutions that facilitate market access for small-scale farmers and agricultural producers in the arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya. This can include building online platforms, mobile applications, or digital marketing solutions that connect farmers directly with local and global buyers, cooperatives, or marketplaces. Solutions should address logistical challenges and improve market visibility for farmers while considering the unique circumstances of these regions.

This challenge encourages participants to design sustainable pest control solutions that minimize environmental harm and protect beneficial insects, with a specific focus on the arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya. Solutions can include developing alternative pest control methods such as biopesticides, integrated pest management, or precision agriculture that suit the local ecosystem and conditions. Your solution should be practical, cost-effective, and ecologically friendly.

machine harvest

15th Oct – 5th Nov

Participants can register either individually or as a team.


Tuesday, 7th Nov

Official Hackathon Kick-Off to be held online on Zoom.


7th Nov – 18th Nov

Teams work independently and remotely on the challenge.


Saturday, 18th Nov

Final Hackathon Day at Circular Innovation Hub in Nairobi.

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How the hackathon works

We are inviting all techies motivated to build solution for agriculture in Kenya to participate. Below are essential details about how the hackathon will run:

You are eligible to participate in the hackathon if you have any technical skills to build solutions. Whether you are software engineer, UI/UX designer, or even data scientist, we invite techies with different specialisations so that we can build diverse and holistic software, IOT, and data solutions for agri-tech. NO age limits and NO experience limits. So long you can build something even with no-code low-code, you are eligible!

You can register for the hackathon as an individual, we’ll assign you team members. You can also register as a team. In both scenarios, we recommend teams to comprise of members with diverse technical skills to make it easy for you to build holistic solutions for any of the four challenge areas. Note that teams should comprise of 3-5 team members.

Yes, we have curated data that would be helpful for teams looking to build data solutions in any of the four challenge areas. This data will be shared by teams on registration. You are also free to incorporate well vetted data from other sources as you work on your team solution. Do note that you do NOT have to build a data-based solution, the hackathon is open different types of tech solutions.

All intellectual property developed during the Hackathon belongs to the participants who created it. The Hackathon does not claim ownership over any IP generated at the event. Participants retain the rights to their work.

Yes, there are awards for the top 3 teams. The first team will get Ksh 10k, the second team Ksh 7.5k, and the third team Ksh 5k. On top of that, there will be assorted platform credits from the Zinduathon tech partners, most innovative solutions will be taken up by Smachs Foundation, and top 5 teams also get Ksh 30k coupons to join any of Zindua School’s core or specialisation programs.

Register for Zinduathon 1.0

Sign up as an individual or as a team.

Zinduathon Registration Form

Team Member 2 Personal Info

Team Member 3 Personal Info

Team Member 4 Personal Info

Team Member 5 Personal Info