How do you Cultivate a Strong Data analyst Mindset in 2024?

While skills are crucial in delivering data analytics results, a mindset goes a long way in ensuring one has the right approach to problems that require analysis and offer dependable solutions to that end.
There are people who focus on skills, and they do their work really well, and once they sit behind the computer, they will know what to search and do.
But what we do well as analysts is simplify data to obtain information. This requires a great amount of curiosity. Now more than ever, asking the right question is more important because of tools such as Bard AI and ChatGPT
What are some of the ways you can take some cognitive principles and apply them to data analysis work? How can you use these models to skill up and mentor those within the field that are coming up.
What data analysts do can sometimes be hard. And even more so when you are new into the field. You are supposed to constantly update our knowledge to come up with insights.
In this article we are going to explore some of the key mindsets a data analyst should develop to succeed in their career.
The Natural instincts to resist change.
We know, from psychology, that mindsets are resistant to change. This can be attributed to many factors including
- Uncertainty and the fear of the unknown
- Loss aversion – When faced with change, we focus on what we might lose – our status, knowledge, or sense of control
- Cognitive Dissonance: Our minds strive for consistency in our beliefs and behaviors. When presented with information that contradicts our existing views, we experience cognitive dissonance, a mental discomfort that motivates us to reject the new information and maintain the status quo.
- Routines: Change implies a change in learnt patterns, which forces us to expend cognitive resources to adapt.
The above are just but a few example reasons as to why we tend to find it difficult to adopt a new mindset. Understanding these psychological underpinnings of resistance to change is crucial for navigating change effectively.
What are the critical mindsets to develop as a Data Analyst?
- Investigative Mindset Asking the right question. How do analysts perform investigations into data : There are certainly some formalized approaches to investigate data. There is some sort of structural knowledge that analysts leverage to conduct their work. They first understand the events into the system, how that data is generated, the systems involved, the process and the relationships between these events. The process, the objectives of that data and creating hypothetical scenarios and developing some probing questions. This process is called diagnostic inquiry. Investigation in this case being the systematic examination and inquiry into data to gain an accurate understanding of the underlying insights.
- Open mindedness – Data can be a double-edged sword. While it provides concrete information, it can also be biased or incomplete. An open-minded analyst approaches data with a willingness to consider different interpretations and perspectives. They actively seek out diverse viewpoints from colleagues across departments and challenge their own assumptions. This openness allows them to uncover hidden patterns, identify potential biases in the data, and avoid getting locked into a single narrative
- Curiosity – Data can be a minefield of information, it however requires one to have curious mindset to be able to ask beyond the surface questions to uncover patterns that are not obvious at a glance and trends that might otherwise be missed. Being a curious analyst will call for one to constantly ask ‘why’, and ‘how’. The why in this case implies the need to have a deeper understanding of why a certain phenomenon is being observed, and ‘how’ simply means understanding a system, how it works and these two help in identifying areas for further explorations. The sure-fire ways to cultivate a curious mindset is to expose oneself to diverse topics beyond the initial domain of the question, embracing playful exploration, collaborating widely and with diverse teams and most importantly, constantly learning new tools, technologies and methodologies. The latter is more of a vicious cycle, since the more curious one is, the more learning they do widely and the more curious they get and so on.
- Learning and Growth – A learning mindset is critical to one’s success as a data analyst. This is exemplified by the fact that this is a dynamic field with new tools, techniques. Additionally, one’s role as an analyst tends to morph quite fast, given the diversity of environment and context in which the analyst will be operating. The growth mindset is required for one to keep pace and embrace new challenges. This continuous learning ensures they stay at the forefront of their field, extracting ever-greater value from the data they encounter.
- Cognitive Task Analysis – Mastery of evidence sources, need to be a generalist in evidence sources. We now live in a world of speed, and this has made us get used to things being done almost instantaneously and requests delivered fast. However, as an analyst you need to ward off this natural instinct to complete a data task and move to the next. You will need to take time before you can create deep creative solutions. This may sometimes involve you shelving the task at hand and focusing on other unrelated tasks, to allow your mind to internalize the data problem.
Other mindsets that you should prioritize to excel include:
- Analytical Thinking
- Change and Innovation driven thinking
- Commercial Acumen
- Consultative Mindset
- Effective Communication
- Leadership – both to self and others
- Relationship building
In conclusion, success as a data analyst goes beyond technical skills. Cultivating the right mindsets is fundamental for approaching problems effectively, uncovering hidden insights, and delivering dependable solutions. By embracing a growth mindset, analysts can continuously learn and adapt to the ever-evolving field. An investigative mindset fosters a deeper understanding of data, while an open mind allows for the consideration of diverse perspectives. Curiosity is the driving force behind exploration, leading to the discovery of hidden patterns and trends. Finally, honing cognitive task analysis skills equips analysts to delve deeper into data and craft creative solutions. By adopting this combination of mindsets, data analysts can transform themselves from data processors into strategic assets, driving better decision-making and positive business outcomes.
Remember, the journey to becoming a successful data analyst is a continuous process of learning and growth. Embrace the challenges, cultivate the right mindsets, and you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the power of data.
Other Resources
You can explore more on mindsets and change here:
- The Data-Driven Mindset | L.E.K. Consulting (
- (11) The Essential Mindset for Data Analysts: Thinking Analytically | LinkedIn
- 5 Ways to Develop a Data-Driven Mindset | Built In
- Data Analyst Mindset: 10 Nontechnical Ways to Influence Decisions – SEASCareers | SEAS Office of Career Services | The George Washington University (